martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Get Ready to Start!

You are going to watch a video and read some articles related to sports and health. I ask you to pay much attention to them so as to do the following activities in pairs:
  1. Read the article and watch the video.
  2. Pay attention to the main ideas of each one.
  3. Write a short conclusion about each one.
  4. Choose one of the articles or the video and write a well-organised paragraph. Provide a catchy title, a good topic sentence, and a good conclusion. Do not forget to outline your ideas first!
  5. Design a poster illustrating the aspects you have learned from this blog and show it to your classmates.
You can solve doubts and ask questions by sending me an email to or by posting comments on the blog.

Enjoy this blog!

Good luck!

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